Community Transformation Assessment (CTA)

CTA is one of the major departments of Mission India with the goal to transform communities in a holistic manner. It made a great impact upon hundreds and thousands of communities for the last two decades and emerging to more people day by day. Hundreds of unselfish and unbiased social workers have been serving with Mission India though there are difficulties and mess. The diversity of culture, language and geographical as well as environmental differences challenge them, yet with patience and gentleness they face it.

Community Development

Reaching new communities


Personal interactions

Effective teachings on social and ethical values

Community Buildings

Women Empowerment

Equip women to face their day to day challenges

Train women to share their issues

Awareness studies on cultural dilemmas

Career developments

Youth for Truth

Frequent fellowships with youngsters

Challenging their talents

Career making programs

Counseling and teaching on habitual errors

Implanting ethical values

Prison fellowship

Interaction with the prisoners


Impacting moral and social values

Rehabiting program